Monday, September 5, 2011


I am sorry it's been such a long time since I have updated this. I started my new job back in July and have been busy with that. And honestly, I have sat down to write but I lose the words. It's as if they are all piled in my head then vanish when my fingers hit the keys.

I have been a whirl wind of emotions lately. Like today, Eric has friends over and we were watching TV and I get anxious all of a sudden. Then the urge to cry consumes me. I retreated to our room, where I am now, and curl up in a ball with one of her blankets and cry. I know one of the triggers is that we have been discussing the possibility of trying again. Sat night I went to Avery's room, grabbed some of her clothes out of the draws, clung to them with all my might, and said "I don't want another baby, I want you....."over and over. I honestly don't know how people pick up and move on. I have tired. I have tried hard. I dream about her nightly now. I don't see her, it's present day and she isn't here. I have to deal with that enough while I am awake, why do I have to be tormented in my sleep too when I do actually sleep?

I have gone through all the stages of grief and back again, guess I need to get my act together and finally pass!

I know God had a purpose in all this. But it's hard to understand if I even have any of it right in my head. I just have to give it up and stop trying to control everything like I usually do.

I just take comfort in knowing I will see her again. And when I do I will never have to say bye to her again.


  1. Oh Becky!! I feel your pain.... Some days I feel like I can move on and it's all over and then something comes out of nowhere and makes it all so fresh again. I am not quite so sure that the grief process is ever over:( If you ever want to talk or cry or have someone listen who just understands, please call me!! I know our girls are together making the most of their Heavenly lives and Angel wings. Always keeping you in our prayers! Love from FL!

  2. You dont have to move on or feel normal right now. You are a beautiful person and this is your reality now, you're dealing with everything so well. I know it doesn't seem like it. Cry when you want to & go to her room as much as you feel the urge. You will never move on, but you will eventually cry less and get upset as easy. I'm so sorry.

