Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ocie Lynn and One Month

Our sweet beautiful niece Ocie Lynn was born yesterday at 3:26pm, weighing in at 8.3lbs and she is 19 inches long :) She has a head full of jet black hair and she has very asian facial features! Mom and dad both said the second they looked at her that she looked just like me as a baby! Lets pray she grows out of it :) Mom and baby are doing well. I am so thankful and glad I was there to witness this miracle. I was at the head of the bed while Jeff was at Amy's side. She was a trooper! She did it with no epidural! She has inspired me to NEVER try what she did :) I am so proud of her!

Ocie was born on 3/8/11, 3 plus 8 is 11. Avery was born in 2/9/11, 2 plus 9 is 11. We thought that was pretty cool.

Today is Avery's one month birthday! I gave birth to one of God most beautiful creations one month ago today. I didn't realize that I had also given birth to one of God's most precious angels at that time. How lucky that we are to be the parents of an angel! I love to look at her picutres, they bring me great joy and pain at the same time. She is so beautiful. I just want to hug her and whisper in her ear that I love her.

I miss her more and more every day. The pain doesn't ease at all, if anything it intensifies with each passing second. I long for her in such a way I never thought existed. My love for her abounds all other loves except for God and Eric. If I didn't believe she could see us I don't think I could go on. I know she sees us and knows our hearts. As I have said in the past, I can feel her arms around me at times, and I am going to do my best to never let her see me do anything that would cause her to not be proud of me. You would think that just having God know every move I make that I would be more cautious of my words and actions but she's my daughter. I still want to be a role model to her.

Eric and I were talking the other night about what age we thought/hoped Avery would be when we reach heaven. I hope she's 2 or 3. And I hope she's a chubby monkey! I can't wait to see her with her wings, introduce us to the disciples, and all the people we have read about in the bible.

I can't get all my thoughts together right now so I might update more later.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Becky its funny how you done that for Avery and Ocie's birthday because I thought of that for Aspyn's birthday 12-2-10
