The past few days have been very difficult for me. It seems as the days go by the harder coping gets. I miss her more and more every day as Eric does as well. But thank God we have each other to cling to and God. If it wasn't for God and Eric I would be wallering in a puddle some where. The pain goes beyond heart wrenching and physical. It's not something I can describe. If I could I wouldn't because I do won't anyone to experience this pain if they don't have to, or fathom how horrible it is. This is something we will never recover from, we will be able to handle it better in time, but never recover.
I was talking with one of my team members today and we were talking about we both believe God is coming to take His children home very soon. This world isn't getting any easier, it's getting harder, and if things progress it will get to where we can't afford staples or afford gas to get to work. God will not let His children suffer like that.
And now on to good stuff :) We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our niece Ocie! Amy is due on the 9th but I don't think she will make it that long. Mom and I are going to visit her tomorrow :) I have some things of Avery's that Avery wants her cousin Ocie to have. We are keeping Avery's furniture, big toy items, and her clothes. I did give some of her other cousins some baby care items, those items needed to be used. I did keep one of everything that I gave away though. It's a help to know Avery is helping others.
Again I leave ya'll with another picture of true love. Eric getting baby kisses from his sweet baby. She was a daddy's girl!!!

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