All Easter morning I wept and wept. I kept thinking that Avery should be here and that I should be busy getting her all dolled up for church. I saw a dress at Carter's that I knew she would be adorable in! I can still envision her in it with a bow in her hair :)
I wept all during service too. Because I missed her and because that I knew I would see her again, and that brought unspeakable joy to my heart.
Eric was having a bad day yesterday. He said all he could think about is what Avery would look like now. We talk alot about what we think she will look like in heaven but not here. I can't stand it when he has a bad day. There is something about grown men crying that rips me into pieces. When he and my dad cry it's all over. I cry all the time so it doesn't affect him the way him crying does me. I can remember being on the OR table and Avery not crying as she came out. I said "She's not crying ET"........he reassured me Avery would be fine, then we heard them say start CPR. Tears began streaming down his face. I can close my eyes and see it all over again, The nights of crying in pain over Avery. He had a bad night that Thursday and I had a bad night that Friday. I didn't cry hysterically, I just wept all night. I had a feeling that it was our last day with Avery. I did cry hysterically when the decision was made. It's almost been 3 months since her birth but it feels like yesterday.
I miss being pregnant. I miss feeling her move. I truly loved being pregnant. I didn't mind the aches and pains, the "normal" signs and symptoms of pregnancy. I treasure the stretch marks I have. They are a permanent mark on my body as a reminder of my sweet baby girl. The right side of my stomach pouches out farther then the left, it's where she kept her head. I miss her having hiccups and my entire belly jumping as she had them. I'd carry her for a lifetime, she was safe there. She's in a much better place now but I am just saying if that is how I could keep her here physically then I would do it.
I was sooo scared about being a mom. That was my biggest fear. How silly. Being a nurse I knew there could be potential problems but her passing never crossed my mind. Yes, she would be small, yes, her legs may be bowed and she would need surgery to fix them, yes, she could have hydrocephalus and have headaches as she grew older. These were things we could do something about. But her passing away....we couldn't do anything about that. Her purpose was served.
I have recently came into contact with a family who is involved with March of Dimes. They had a daughter born 4 months early and was released from the NICU the day of Avery's birth. The father is going to include Avery in his speech at the walk on Saturday. I ask you pray for this baby girl and her parents. Her name is Gracie. Thanks!
Thanks to those of you who read and offer your support to us. We couldn't do it without you!
This is the story of our angel, Avery Grace Coley, who was born with thanatophoric dysplasia (a fatal skeletal dysplasia) and how God used her during her 3 short days on this earth. She was born Feb 9th at 1206 and entered into the arms of the Lord on Feb 12th. We hope our story touches your heart and leads you closer to our Heavenly Father.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Random thoughts.
This one is going to be for me. I need to write (type) some things down so when my memory slips I will have a way to recall how I was feeling during this time or what was going on.
We are working on our landscaping at the's about time, lol! We will have been here three summers this summer! I have asked my father-in-law to help me start a flower bed in memory of Avery. We have the perfect spot for one and have talked about doing it for years but haven't done it. It's in front of our dining room window, it's not level so we will have to build it up but I think it's the perfect spot for it! I want to fill it up with beautiful purple flowers!
The land between ours and my brother-in-laws slopes along the drive way and I want to plant the flowers that look like they creep along everything! I don't know what they are called but most of them are purple and pink :) I think it's cool how we liked the color purple for Avery and it's a Royal color. Many people in heaven have sashes the color of purple (I know this from the book Heaven is for Real). The little boy that's story is told in that book mentioned the purple sashes :)
Speaking of that book, it gave me great peace of Avery's appearance in Heaven. I know she has wings, wears a robe of white, and could be any age when we get there. I hope she's around 3, has long dark brown hair, and her daddy's attitude :) How I can't wait to see her again. Just typing this makes me weep, my arms get numb, and I feel that ache in my heart. Sometimes the weeping is of anticipation and others it's of sorrow. I know I shouldn't want her here on this earth but I want her soo badly! I always worried about her being picked on when she arrived as a "small person", I knew she would get picked on regardless but I worried that it would be more than usual. But I don't have to worry about that! There is no such thing in Heaven :)
I've been back at work for 2 weeks now and getting caught up and back in the swing of things. I still wish I could not have returned but people there depend on me and life goes on. I know I have said "life goes on" alot but I have to tell myself that over and over. I have to remind myself that Avery can see me and I know she doesn't want to see me waste my life. I want her to be proud of me! I want her to grab her angel friends and say, "look! there's MY mommy, she's a great nurse!"
I had never thought of going into ministry or thought that's what God wanted me to do until after Avery's life came and went. As many people that she brought together in prayer and changed lives by word of mouth about her I could only imagine how many people could be brought to Christ if we went around the country telling people her story, about our faith of a complete healing of her body, and NOT being defeated when we didn't get the miracle we prayed for. God performed many miracles through her! I am sooo thankful that our parents raised us in the church and instilled God's word in our hearts.
I am sooooo glad one of those miracles was to bring ET and I closer together. At the time we were going through a very rough patch and God knew we needed her to bring us back to where we needed to be in our marriage. He knew we needed to hear not good news about our baby girl to draw us closer to Him. Avery's conception was done with purpose. We prayed Psalm 139 over her nightly. He wove her together in the dark of my womb. He knew we needed her. He knew the world needed her. There are no mistakes when babies are conceived. Each one is a gift from God. We might not understand the circumstances or why their lives may end before birth or shortly after, but they had a purpose and their purpose was full filled.
Wow, I got a bit preachy there!
We are working on our landscaping at the's about time, lol! We will have been here three summers this summer! I have asked my father-in-law to help me start a flower bed in memory of Avery. We have the perfect spot for one and have talked about doing it for years but haven't done it. It's in front of our dining room window, it's not level so we will have to build it up but I think it's the perfect spot for it! I want to fill it up with beautiful purple flowers!
The land between ours and my brother-in-laws slopes along the drive way and I want to plant the flowers that look like they creep along everything! I don't know what they are called but most of them are purple and pink :) I think it's cool how we liked the color purple for Avery and it's a Royal color. Many people in heaven have sashes the color of purple (I know this from the book Heaven is for Real). The little boy that's story is told in that book mentioned the purple sashes :)
Speaking of that book, it gave me great peace of Avery's appearance in Heaven. I know she has wings, wears a robe of white, and could be any age when we get there. I hope she's around 3, has long dark brown hair, and her daddy's attitude :) How I can't wait to see her again. Just typing this makes me weep, my arms get numb, and I feel that ache in my heart. Sometimes the weeping is of anticipation and others it's of sorrow. I know I shouldn't want her here on this earth but I want her soo badly! I always worried about her being picked on when she arrived as a "small person", I knew she would get picked on regardless but I worried that it would be more than usual. But I don't have to worry about that! There is no such thing in Heaven :)
I've been back at work for 2 weeks now and getting caught up and back in the swing of things. I still wish I could not have returned but people there depend on me and life goes on. I know I have said "life goes on" alot but I have to tell myself that over and over. I have to remind myself that Avery can see me and I know she doesn't want to see me waste my life. I want her to be proud of me! I want her to grab her angel friends and say, "look! there's MY mommy, she's a great nurse!"
I had never thought of going into ministry or thought that's what God wanted me to do until after Avery's life came and went. As many people that she brought together in prayer and changed lives by word of mouth about her I could only imagine how many people could be brought to Christ if we went around the country telling people her story, about our faith of a complete healing of her body, and NOT being defeated when we didn't get the miracle we prayed for. God performed many miracles through her! I am sooo thankful that our parents raised us in the church and instilled God's word in our hearts.
I am sooooo glad one of those miracles was to bring ET and I closer together. At the time we were going through a very rough patch and God knew we needed her to bring us back to where we needed to be in our marriage. He knew we needed to hear not good news about our baby girl to draw us closer to Him. Avery's conception was done with purpose. We prayed Psalm 139 over her nightly. He wove her together in the dark of my womb. He knew we needed her. He knew the world needed her. There are no mistakes when babies are conceived. Each one is a gift from God. We might not understand the circumstances or why their lives may end before birth or shortly after, but they had a purpose and their purpose was full filled.
Wow, I got a bit preachy there!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Last night my girlfriends came over and brought dinner for me. After we had finished eating Duncan had a sneaky grin on her face and was holding a bag in her hand......if you know this girl you never know what she is up to :) We were all on the couch, she handed me a card, and passed around a wrapped boxes to all the girls. I opened Duncan's first, it was a bracelet, I thanked her for the bracelet and put it on :) Well, I then had to take it off because I was told too, Rose held it out for me. They each handed me their gifts and in each box was a charm to go on the bracelet! Each was something special that meant alot about Avery and her short life. We all sat and cried. I tried to lighten the mood by saying who the gift was from and something that was funny and personal between me and that person. We then endulged in a honeybun cake, played apples to apples, and reverted back to 10th grade :) I am soo blessed to have such wonderful ladies in my life! Ones to help me through the pain, lift me up, and let me know that they haven't forgotten Avery.
Some say time heals all wounds. But I don't know about the wound of losing a child. It gets harder and harder every day. The longing gets worse. Some days I can function, others I just sit on the couch in shear misery. I just sit and cry. Stare off into space. Wonder what she's doing in Heaven. Wonder what she looks like. Mainly ponder on what life would be like if she were here. I want soooo badly to touch her. Last night ET asked me what was the first thing I wanted to do with Avery was when we got to heaven. I couldn't narrow it down to one thing but the three most important are to kiss her, hug her, and tell her a thousand times that I love her.
I have always felt I was in God's will. That he had something very special ahead of me and was going to do big things in my life for Him. I had no idea that it was to witness to others through the loss of my daughter though. The only way I can survive this is to glorify Him for her life and for the purpose she served.
Some say time heals all wounds. But I don't know about the wound of losing a child. It gets harder and harder every day. The longing gets worse. Some days I can function, others I just sit on the couch in shear misery. I just sit and cry. Stare off into space. Wonder what she's doing in Heaven. Wonder what she looks like. Mainly ponder on what life would be like if she were here. I want soooo badly to touch her. Last night ET asked me what was the first thing I wanted to do with Avery was when we got to heaven. I couldn't narrow it down to one thing but the three most important are to kiss her, hug her, and tell her a thousand times that I love her.
I have always felt I was in God's will. That he had something very special ahead of me and was going to do big things in my life for Him. I had no idea that it was to witness to others through the loss of my daughter though. The only way I can survive this is to glorify Him for her life and for the purpose she served.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
and life goes on
I returned to work this week. I worked half a day Wednesday, worked up to a 6 hour day Thursday, and then did a full 8.5 hours yesterday. I never thought I would get caught up but I actually did and go a huge head start on a few things. I actually enjoyed being back at work. It's nice to have a routine back. I haven't had to do any patient care yet which is a good thing. I staff half a day Wednesday.....I haven't even tried on my scrubs to see if they fit yet! I guess I should do that soon in case I need to purchase a new set to get me through until I can get back into my regular ones :) I am soo anxious about taking care of a pregnant lady. I miss my belly. I miss Avery being there, all safe, and sound. On Thursday when I went to run errands at the hospital I was sooo scared of seeing someone who didn't know about Avery's passing. I kept my head down and prayed no one would notice me. And it worked! The places I needed to go were places where everyone knew about her. I was very emotional that day and was afraid of what would come out of my mouth or if I would cry on someone. Most of the time I don't mind people asking how she is......because I get to say, "She is doing well actually, she's in heaven." That doesn't always come out though.....some times it's, " passed...." or "um, well, she didn't survive." It's like Forrest Gump's box of chocolate never know what you are gonna get. Eric picked me up from work yesterday and I get in the car and notice he's quiet (which if you know my husband is not like him at all) then I realize what song is playing.....Cinderella. I grab his hand and kiss it. We quietly cried together, missing those moments we looked forward to experiencing with Avery. Then Glorious Day came on. I smiled the biggest smile (the one where my eyes disappear :)) and laughed. God and Avery were reminding us to not dwell or be sad.....that one Glorious Day He will return and take us Home! We will see her again, we will hold her again, we will kiss our sweet baby girl glorious day! The days get harder but each day that comes and goes is just one more day that brings us closer to meeting Jesus! Speaking of that Glorious Day.....Last night we had a ginormous storm system come though. Lots of lightning and thunder. It was a little after 2am when I heard the loudest and longest roar of thunder I have ever heard, the house shook it was soo loud. I honestly thought the Lord was coming. I shook Eric awake and told him I thought the Lord was coming and he said, "how awesome would that be". We laid there in silence for a few minutes then I asked Eric if he was asking God to forgive him of his sins and he said yes, I replied...."Well, good, I am too, and I want you to go with me."
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